Turnaround Management Consultants

Turnaround management consulting  – When the chips are down it is time to bring in corporate turnaround advisors and business turnaround professionals who are experts in implementing turnaround strategies.  For over a decade, iMerge’s corporate turnaround advisors have worked closely with hundreds of businesses within a wide variety of verticals.

business turnarounds consultant

This business turnaround management expertise enables our turnaround professionals to:

  • Very quickly understand your business model and all of its components
  • Immediately recognize trouble spots both financial and operational
  • Implement an emergency action plan
  • Restructure the business
  • Return to normal plus growth

To turnaround a business our turnaround consultants  and our corporate turnaround advisors will take a non-biased, non-political and non-emotional approach in providing turnaround managment consulting which everyone is actively involved in turnaround planning that conveys a positively refreshing and motivating agenda. Turnaround leadership is essential if there is to be an effective business turnaround strategy.

Turnaround Restructuring – Time is Not Waiting For You To Figure It Out.

Its imperative to recognize that the sooner you ask for help and get insolvency advice the better the chances a turnaround restructuring plan will be successful.  The desire to try and fix problems internally and also to avoid incurring any additional costs will only edge the business closer to insolvency.

Our Corporate Turnaround Consulting Is Free

How can we offer our turnaround services for free?  In recognizing that many business owners wait too long because there are simply no funds to pay for turnaround specialists we have turned the model to be based on performance.  As we are very confident in our ability as turnaround professionals we ask instead for creative alternatives to collecting an hourly or flat free upfront.  By not charging turnaround consulting fees we provide an incentive for you to contact us earlier to see how we can help.  So whats the catch?  Since our fee is based on performance we will ask for, upon a successful turnaround, a percentage of profits and or a percentage of equity in the company.  Lastly,  for our on-sight visits we ask that reasonable travel and lodging expenses be pre-paid.

As time is of the essence please do not hesitate to contact the top turnaround firm and speak with a turnaround advisor today.  Please complete the form below and a turnaround manager will contact you immediately.  Confidentiality is assured.  Contact Us Today